Nightlife is a project in development on women and the night by writer and performance maker Hannah Sullivan.

The project includes two new pieces: Nightwalker and Afterparty. Nightwalker is an audio piece about a woman walking alone at night. Afterparty is a dance and music collaboration exploring female DJ culture and night time dancefloors. Within both these works, Hannah aims to highlight the beauty of night's qualities and the significance of women's life and freedom within it.

As part of this development, Hannah completed a research project with the Brigstow Institute on women walking at night. A creative essay on this project can be read here.

‘I would walk at the last hour of the day regularly. I was initially drawn to the beauty of this handover, but ultimately, I became very fond of the dark… The night is its own fragile world, a natural phenomena, under threat. The darkness is a potential refuge, hospitable, but one that is hard to access. As a woman walking at night, I am acting against domesticity.’ -

- Nightwalker by Hannah Sullivan

About Hannah Sullivan

Hannah Sullivan is a writer and performance maker based in Bristol. Previous performance works include; Echo Beach, With Force and Noise, and one-to-one performance, Draw to Look. Her short story collection on darkness, Pit Murk, was published by the Conway and Young small press. Hannah’s work has toured nationally and internationally, some presentations include; Profound Sound, Quarter Block Party, Royal West of England Academy of Art, In Between Time, Buzzcut, Beaford Arts, Bristol Old Vic, Shoreditch Town Hall, The Place, Battersea Arts Centre, Square Chapel Arts Centre, Tauranga Arts Festival, Taipei Contemporary Arts Centre. Hannah is a member of Bristol based collective Interval, and a graduate of Dartington College of Arts and the University of Bristol.


  • Lead artist: Hannah Sullivan

    Dramaturg: Tanuja Amarasuriya

    Dancers: Linzy Na Nakorn and Kit Hall

    DJ/Musician: Daisy Moon

    Producer: Ellen Booth

  • Arts Council England, MAYK, GIFT, Restoke, Falmouth University, Brigstow.


The Dirty Work